How the practice presents itself is extremely important—and while you might not think much about marketing, a little attention to it can go a long way toward creating a favorable impression. Why go there Printed marketing material not only helps convey an image, or what marketers call brand identity, it allows for sharing information. What’s more, printed material is easy to … [Read more...] about Marketing the practice: printed material
Increasing profits
Money motivates EHR adoption
The Department of Health and Human Services' Office of the National Coordinator released a data brief in December addressing what motivates physicians to implement electronic health records (EHR) and the answer is … money. The data briefing reveals that financial incentives and reimbursement are currently the top reasons physicians decide to implement EHR. Physicians are … [Read more...] about Money motivates EHR adoption
Boost revenue by training all staff on coding
Recently, we told you about the importance of getting the right people to handle your coding and billing. But the work doesn't stop once you've hired the best staff or outsourced with a reputable billing company. To keep on top of changes and compliance issues, training is essential. Here are answers to the classic five Ws: Who, What, When, Where, and Why, and the bonus, H: … [Read more...] about Boost revenue by training all staff on coding
Line management systems help manage practice waiting rooms
Every medical office manager knows that keeping patients waiting in long, slow-moving lines is a recipe for poor service. Not only can long waits cause patients to become extremely upset and agitated, they can also result in lost opportunities in the form of walk-outs and poor patient reviews. This is especially the case in today's world of instant information … [Read more...] about Line management systems help manage practice waiting rooms
Reports provide detailed analysis of telemedicine by state
The American Telemedicine Association (ATA), a leading international resource and advocate promoting the use of advanced remote medical technologies, recently released two state policy reports which identify gaps in coverage and reimbursement, and in physician practice standards and licensure. These reports compare state policies on a report card, assigning each state grades … [Read more...] about Reports provide detailed analysis of telemedicine by state
Managers, are you creating a community or an organization?
By Dr. Steve M. Cohen There is a managerial question that is often overlooked: Is your office a community or an organization? A community is, by definition, inclusive. An organization is, by definition, exclusive. Let's use the military as an example of an exclusive organization. When people enlist, there are ranks to climb with each level being more selective and more … [Read more...] about Managers, are you creating a community or an organization?
Creativity helps increase patient payments
If your practice is like most, it regularly struggles with patient payment issues. Churchland Internal Medicine in Chesapeake, VA, has found a solution – actually several – to help resolve payment problems. "In our office, when a patient is asked for a payment on a balance and does not pay, we set up a payment agreement," says Linda Warren, office manager. Then, the office … [Read more...] about Creativity helps increase patient payments
Concierge medicine – coming on strong
– a MOM mini seminar – Direct care, boutique medicine, retainer medicine – by whatever name, concierge medicine is a patient-physician arrangement where the patient pays an annual fee or retainer, the physician reduces the patient population from several thousand to an average of 300 to 600, and patients get personal 24-hour access to the physician and, … [Read more...] about Concierge medicine – coming on strong
How the right payment technology can improve profitability at your practice
By Brent Warrington bio Medical practice profitability is a regular concern for practice managers. Now the Affordable Care Act has perhaps shined a brighter light on what it takes to stay in the black. What's more, insurance companies are under pressure to manage costs and grow revenue, sometimes resulting in lower payments to physicians for patient visits, services, … [Read more...] about How the right payment technology can improve profitability at your practice
Model Tool: Meaningful Use resources
Why you need this list: Getting certified electronic records technology can help your practice retain profits. How this list helps you: Resources and information online can help you get certified electronic health records technology and achieve meaningful use. How to use this list: Follow the links to these additional online resources. … [Read more...] about Model Tool: Meaningful Use resources