The purpose of this model policy is to ensure a comfortable and healthy work environment for all staff and patients by maintaining appropriate temperature settings in the medical office. … [Read more...] about Model Policy: Office Temperature
Tool Box
Model Policy: Patient Billings Collection and Financial Policy
The centerpiece of juggling all of these requirements is to establish a financial policy that tells patients how they will be billed for the services they receive. In addition to laying the legal groundwork for billing and collection, including by a third party collection agency, a well-crafted financial policy plays a key role in providing effective communications with … [Read more...] about Model Policy: Patient Billings Collection and Financial Policy
Model Policy: Patients Rights and Responsibilities
In addition to explaining patients’ rights and responsibilities, and thereby establishing the basis of a successful collaboration, this Patient Rights and Responsibilities Policy, helps your practice comply with U.S. law called the 1998 Patients’ Bill of Rights Act. … [Read more...] about Model Policy: Patients Rights and Responsibilities
Model Policy: OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control
All medical practices need infection control policies and procedures. And with regard to one particular form of infection— bloodborne pathogens that get into the bloodstream via puncture or piercing by contaminated needles or other medical sharps— QA measures must include a specific exposure control policy that meets the requirements of the federal workplace safety law called … [Read more...] about Model Policy: OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control
Love contracts: Help for hot messes
They arrive at work separately. They never touch each other in your presence. Then, as you chair a meeting, you see his gray eyes seek hers out across the conference table. She returns his gaze; her eyes linger. Suddenly you know. The senior manager, despite all the sexual harassment seminars he’s attended, appears romantically intertwined with an accounting clerk. If you’re … [Read more...] about Love contracts: Help for hot messes
Model Code of Conduct for Virtual Meetings
Far from eliminating workplace harassment, telecommuting has only caused it to morph into digital forms. As a result, medical offices and other employers need to tweak their harassment policies to deal with the new face of harassment. The virtual meeting, in particular, has become the digital age version of the holiday office party where employees feel emboldened to do and say … [Read more...] about Model Code of Conduct for Virtual Meetings
Model Medical Office Workplace Vaccine Passport Policy
Although courts have yet to weigh in on the issue, guidelines from the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and other regulatory agencies indicate that employers may implement vaccine passports if they perform a workplace assessment and determine that limiting entry to the vaccinated is a necessary health and safety measure to prevent an imminent risk. Employers must also … [Read more...] about Model Medical Office Workplace Vaccine Passport Policy
Model Medical Office Employee Remote Monitoring of Telecommuters Policy
Letting employees telecommute poses significant operational and management challenges to employers, not the least of which is ensuring that employees are actually doing their jobs and meeting expected productivity standards when working from home. Software, apps and other monitoring technology can go a long way in meeting this goal; but it can also get you into hot water under … [Read more...] about Model Medical Office Employee Remote Monitoring of Telecommuters Policy
Model Medical Office Enhanced Cleaning and Disinfection Policy
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and other public health organizations mandate that employers take additional cleaning and hygiene measures during the pandemic. Here’s a Model Policy you can adapt for your own use based on your specific circumstances and applicable local and specialty rules. … [Read more...] about Model Medical Office Enhanced Cleaning and Disinfection Policy
Tool: Voluntary COVID-19 Vaccination Policy
It is important to ensure that your medical office staff get vaccinated against COVID-19 to protect not only themselves but also co-workers, patients and others at your facility. But what if workers neglect or just plain refuse to be vaccinated? There are two basic options: Option 1: Require staff to be vaccinated Option 2: Encourage staff to be vaccinated … [Read more...] about Tool: Voluntary COVID-19 Vaccination Policy