Most likely you've already learned to manage the administrative issues and challenges related to workers' compensation and disability claims. Far more difficult to manage, however, are issues related to patients who are trying to abuse the system — particularly patients who expect you to cooperate, or even participate, in their schemes to bilk the system. As one medical … [Read more...] about How to handle patient abuse of workers’ compensation or disability claims
Managing patients
5 actions to take when you hear, “I don’t trust you”
By Audrey Epstein bio Talking about trust is tough in business. When a colleague tells you, "I don't trust you" your first instinct is probably to react defensively or aggressively, and rarely with curiosity and an openness to understand. You take "I don't trust you" as an attack on your character and an afront to your integrity. But trust is the foundation for strong, … [Read more...] about 5 actions to take when you hear, “I don’t trust you”
With quality a monthly topic, improvements are never ending
A surgery practice in Grand Rapids, MI, stays in constant improvement mode with ongoing quality discussions. Quality is part of the agenda of the monthly business meetings, which include both staff and physicians, says practice manager Jennifer Jamula of Pediatric Surgeons of West Michigan. “Anything somebody thinks needs improvement” is open to discussion – patient care, … [Read more...] about With quality a monthly topic, improvements are never ending
The patient privacy epidemic and what can be done about it
By Mark Hughes In most medical office or hospital reception areas, speech privacy is virtually nonexistent. Because these spaces rarely have walls or partitions to block sound, patients often overhear conversations between office personnel and other patients. Lack of speech privacy is by no means confined to reception areas and pharmacy lines – the problem is also present … [Read more...] about The patient privacy epidemic and what can be done about it
12 tips for boosting patient payment
The way the bill looks, and reads, plays a major role in when – and whether – the office gets paid. Here are 12 ways to boost patient payment. 1 Include a return envelope with the bill. This makes it easier for the patient to pay and also ensures the payment is addressed correctly. 2 Use colored return envelopes. They make the bill stand out from the … [Read more...] about 12 tips for boosting patient payment
Is your career headed nowhere?
In your role as medical office manager, you no doubt set goals for the practice and your staff. But have you taken the time to think about your career goals? As baseball great Yogi Berra said, "If you don't know where you're going, you might not get there." Understanding the process Although a performance appraisal or a new year may seem like an ideal time to set goals, … [Read more...] about Is your career headed nowhere?
Physicians lack time and tools to discover hidden risks in patients with chronic conditions
The vast majority of primary care physicians don't have the time or tools to adequately address the needs of their patients with multiple chronic conditions, leaving some patients to struggle with health-related social and behavioral issues on their own, according to new research from Quest Diagnostics. The findings are based on an independent survey commissioned by Quest of … [Read more...] about Physicians lack time and tools to discover hidden risks in patients with chronic conditions
After a relationship with a disruptive patient ends
Your practice terminated a relationship with a disruptive patient, and everything went smoothly—or so you thought, until negative comments about the practice started showing up on social media. Disgruntled consumers of all kinds of services, including health care, have an outlet for their frustration. Actually, they have numerous outlets, including Facebook, Yelp,, … [Read more...] about After a relationship with a disruptive patient ends
Insurance companies: An unexpected ally in preventative healthcare
Scientists at UCLA have determined that medical insurance company records can be used to make accurate predictions about future health issues in their members. These predictions lead to better outcomes by enabling proactive treatments for future illness, rather than falling back on reactive treatments for each new health crisis. In recent years, computers have used "big … [Read more...] about Insurance companies: An unexpected ally in preventative healthcare
Want to help your patients with gestational diabetes control their weight? Write them a letter
Women with gestational diabetes who received a tailored letter with personalized weight gain recommendations were significantly more likely to meet national weight gain guidelines, according to a new Kaiser Permanente study recently published in Diabetes Care, a journal of the American Diabetes Association. Gestational diabetes, the most common pregnancy complication, puts … [Read more...] about Want to help your patients with gestational diabetes control their weight? Write them a letter