By Margarita Gil & Racquel Arden The rapid spread of COVID-19 put healthcare institutions around the country on high alert, with special emphasis placed on those Americans deemed to be most vulnerable or with pre-existing conditions. But what happens when your entire hospital is filled with patients who fit that criteria? Such was the challenge faced at Totally Kids … [Read more...] about 5 strategies to keep high-risk populations safe during disasters
Managing staff
How to create a legally sound COVID-19 medical screening policy
As essential workplaces, medical offices need to remain open and operating during the pandemic. At the same time, they need to ensure that employees practice social distancing and keep the infected and potentially infected away from the well. Like so many other companies facing the same challenge, you may be considering medically screening your employees each day before … [Read more...] about How to create a legally sound COVID-19 medical screening policy
5 questions on the virus and your medical office
By Lynne Curry bio 1 Pushback from employees who choose to stay on unemployment Question: We didn’t expect the pushback we got from two of our furloughed employees when we called them back to work, particularly as we allow employees to work from home part of the workweek if their work can be accomplished remotely. One ignored two “return to work” emails but responded to a … [Read more...] about 5 questions on the virus and your medical office
Office’s duty to protect returning employees from COVID-19 discrimination and harassment
SITUATION Fully recovered from his bout with COVID-19, Max is thrilled and excited to return to his custodian job after 14 days of mandatory home isolation. But almost immediately, he senses that something is wrong. His co-workers shun him and leave the room the moment he enters. And, while hygiene and handwashing are de rigueur for all maintenance staff, Max alone is required … [Read more...] about Office’s duty to protect returning employees from COVID-19 discrimination and harassment
Telecommuter home office hazard assessment & inspection checklist
While not an OSHA obligation, it’s highly advisable to take measures to protect the health and safety of telecommuting office employees who work from home. How? By having employees seeking approval to telecommute designate a room or area as their home workspace and arranging for somebody to perform a hazard assessment inspection to verify that the workspace is safe, healthy and … [Read more...] about Telecommuter home office hazard assessment & inspection checklist
Tool: Model Mandatory Face Mask Policy
More than 20 states have enacted laws requiring the use of face masks or coverings in indoor public places, which would include workplaces like medical offices. Here’s a Model Policy incorporating current legal requirements and public health guidance that you can adapt for your own office. … [Read more...] about Tool: Model Mandatory Face Mask Policy
Can my employer fire me for going to a bar or do I have any freedom left?
By Lynne Curry bio Question: My employer sent a two-part email to every employee last week. “As you know we’ve had a local spike in COVID-19 infections. The health department has provided a list of the establishments, primarily bars, where COVID-19 individuals spent extended time. The health department asks that anyone who was in these businesses during these times monitor … [Read more...] about Can my employer fire me for going to a bar or do I have any freedom left?
Coworker exposed all of us to COVID-19
By Lynne Curry bio Question For weeks, “Carolyn” told the five of us in our department that she had allergies whenever any of us asked her about her sneezing. She worked with us in the same building, used the same copier, restroom and office fridge and handled the same coffeepot. I tried to avoid her because she kept forgetting her mask and didn’t seem to understand what six … [Read more...] about Coworker exposed all of us to COVID-19
Use contact logging to ensure medical office employees practice social distancing
Managing a medical office compliance program in the age of COVID-19 poses new and unprecedented challenges. One of the biggest and most important is ensuring that employees and the persons they interact with on the job follow social distancing requirements. To succeed in this effort, you must have the capability to track actual encounters. One possibility is digital technology, … [Read more...] about Use contact logging to ensure medical office employees practice social distancing
Tool: Model COVID-19 Contact Log Sheet
Maintaining social distancing will be the price that medical offices and other businesses will have to pay to reopen and remain open until the COVID-19 threat goes away. But for social distancing to work, there must be a way to track and analyze actual encounters between people at your facility. One simple way to gather the essential data is to have employees and visitors … [Read more...] about Tool: Model COVID-19 Contact Log Sheet