Every office has its problem employees. And confronting them is a task every manager dreads. There is, however, an easy way to do it: with a brief, nonconfrontational conversation. Tell the staffer what behavior the manager expects, tell what positive results the office will see from the change, and leave no room for argument. Here management trainer Jamie Resker, president of … [Read more...] about How to handle 5 common types of problem staffers
Managing staff
5 proven ways to keep “toxic employees” off your payroll
Got toxins in the office? Toxins are people who cause dissent. They undermine people. They create an atmosphere of mistrust and suspicion. They kill the camaraderie. They are toxic because they cause enough misery to force worthwhile staffers to leave. Medical firms can find themselves with toxic people at both the physician and staff levels. So here are ideas on how not to … [Read more...] about 5 proven ways to keep “toxic employees” off your payroll
When a physician commits suicide
The death of a physician or staff member can be difficult for a practice. The loss has an emotional impact on the people who worked with the individual, and the person's passing leaves an obvious void. It also results in numerous practical issues the office manager must address. But a death by suicide takes loss to an entirely different level. And when a physician commits … [Read more...] about When a physician commits suicide
How to schedule employee vacations for maximum efficiency and minimum conflict
Ah, vacation. A time synonymous with sun, fun, and relaxation—unless of course you're the manager of a busy medical practice trying to create the office vacation schedule. Yes, staff members need, want, and OK, deserve time off, but how do you plan for vacations without adding stress to your calendar and causing employee conflict? Granting time off How much time off employees … [Read more...] about How to schedule employee vacations for maximum efficiency and minimum conflict
Now’s the time to enforce your summer dress code
After a long, cold winter, who doesn't look forward to a long, hot summer? For office managers, however, summer brings a new set of challenges, including what staff members wear to the office. Ah yes, warm weather work attire. Ultra-sheer blouses, midriff tops, plunging necklines, short skirts, shorts, and flip-flops. Whatever are they thinking? If you don't have a summer … [Read more...] about Now’s the time to enforce your summer dress code
8 traps to avoid when investigating a sexual harassment complaint
Don't rush to judgment—in either direction Back in the bad old days when employers didn't take sexual harassment seriously, harassment complaints were ignored or swept under the rug. To the extent they were investigated at all, the tendency was to downplay the complaint as exaggeration, fabrication or oversensitivity on the part of the victim. The good news: Today's employers … [Read more...] about 8 traps to avoid when investigating a sexual harassment complaint
In Florida, a wheel of fortune ends the not-my-job syndrome
A Florida manager has turned around the "that's-not-my-job" syndrome with a wheel of fortune that gets spun once a month and carries a dozen good items – gift certificates to car washes, movies, and grocery stores. The best is $100 cash. To spin the wheel, staff have to get nominated. And what they get nominated for is outstanding _____. The administrator of a pain management … [Read more...] about In Florida, a wheel of fortune ends the not-my-job syndrome
5 ways to end generational stereotyping in your organization
By William A. Schiemann, Ph.D bio These days, the Millennial Generation is hyped, perhaps even more than Baby Boomers were hyped in the 1950s and 1960s. As I meet with executives around the globe, there is widespread confusion and misunderstanding about generational differences. This is creating stereotypes that are inappropriate, rarely true, and costing … [Read more...] about 5 ways to end generational stereotyping in your organization
When watercooler talk turns political, office productivity drops
Employees in the US are finding it increasingly difficult to ignore political discussions in their workplace, and 31% believe political conversations among coworkers decrease their company's productivity. Throughout February 2017, Clutch, a B2B ratings and reviews site, surveyed 1,000 full-time employees to evaluate their experience with political expression in the workplace … [Read more...] about When watercooler talk turns political, office productivity drops
‘Dressing for success’ at the office counts far more than you think
Whether the manager is speaking to a group, to the doctors, or to a new patient, looks count, says image consultant Sandy Dumont of The Image Architect in Norfolk, VA. And Dumont backs up her assertion with research – limited research, but research nonetheless. She recently sat in a courtroom "for hours predicting which attorneys would win based on how they looked." And each … [Read more...] about ‘Dressing for success’ at the office counts far more than you think