By Dr. Steve M. Cohen I've found that most organizations can benefit significantly from a simple, low-cost change in their operations: more two-way communication. For busy medical office managers, time can be among their most valuable commodities so I don't make this recommendation lightly. But even a few minutes each day to foster better communication with your staff can pay … [Read more...] about An inexpensive organizational fix: communication
Managing staff
Spending too much time, effort, and money on recruitment? Borrow from others’ ‘best practices’
By Carl Kutsmode bio Hiring top talent for your medical practice isn't easy. And, the bad news is that it won't get easier anytime soon. Just consider a few facts: The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the employment of staff physician assistants is projected to grow 30 percent from 2014 to 2024, much faster than the average for all occupations. Roughly … [Read more...] about Spending too much time, effort, and money on recruitment? Borrow from others’ ‘best practices’
Keeping the records long enough… but not too long
Records retention raises questions in almost all offices. And as a result, offices tend to hang onto records far too long, says attorney and records management expert Donald S. Skupsky, JD, CRM. Skupsky is president and CEO of Information Requirements Clearinghouse in Denver, which provides consulting services as well as software and publications on the legal requirements of … [Read more...] about Keeping the records long enough… but not too long
How to disagree with your friends about politics and keep them too
In past elections, our front yards, t-shirts, car bumpers and water cooler conversations proudly campaigned for the presidential candidate of our choice. In 2016, most are afraid to utter the name of the person they plan to vote for on November 8. Research by Joseph Grenny and David Maxfield, cofounders of VitalSmarts and the authors of the business bestseller Crucial … [Read more...] about How to disagree with your friends about politics and keep them too
Office predators can take many forms
By Steve M. Cohen bio Although human behavior covers a huge range, it can often be categorized into several general areas. One of these categories is "opportunistic" and could even be described as predatory. With this kind of behavior, the individual sees an opportunity to take advantage of a person or a situation and then does so. For example, I overheard two … [Read more...] about Office predators can take many forms
Are the expressions you use dating you?
Certain expressions immediately make people think of another era. Among these are the cat's pajamas, the apple of my eye, hold your horses, and a feather in your cap. Perhaps your parents or grandparents peppered their conversations with these expressions; if so, these sayings, while outdated, might make you smile. However, it's unlikely you'd tell an employee that an … [Read more...] about Are the expressions you use dating you?
10 tested ways to make your staff meetings more interesting and productive
Say the word “meeting” and people tend to groan. In fact, according to a survey conducted by, which looks at where and how employees waste time, nearly half of those surveyed cite attending meetings as the biggest time-waster. But a meeting can be a positive experience. Really. As a medical office manager, a meeting offers you a leadership opportunity. It serves as … [Read more...] about 10 tested ways to make your staff meetings more interesting and productive
Double standards never work at work
By Steve M. Cohen bio An overly hard and arbitrary management style is rarely a good idea, but when it's directed at one employee or even one group of employees it's almost guaranteed to be a problem. I dealt with one manager who frequently resorted to a style that was harsh, arbitrary, and capricious behavior when dealing with one employee. The worker was … [Read more...] about Double standards never work at work
4 easy strategies for remembering names and passwords
By Lynne Curry bio Which problem fits you? Your clinic has grown and you don't remember the names of all the employees and you realize this hurts some employees' feelings. Several of the sites you regularly access ask you to change passwords monthly and you have a hard time remembering the newer passwords. Several longtime patients expect you … [Read more...] about 4 easy strategies for remembering names and passwords
American workers struggling to make ends meet
Three-quarters of Americans (75 percent) are living paycheck to paycheck to make ends meet, according to a survey from CareerBuilder, a global leader in human capital solutions. Thirty-eight percent of employees say they sometimes live paycheck to paycheck, 15 percent say they usually do, and 23 percent say they always do. While making ends meet is a struggle for many … [Read more...] about American workers struggling to make ends meet