As with firing, the rules for handling sexual harassment claims are well known, yet employers still make mistakes, says management consultant Joseph Godwin of F&H Solutions Group in Asheville, NC. Here are five areas that warrant attention. 1. No, it’s not sour grapes Don’t dismiss any complaint, particularly one from a fired or demoted employee, as sour grapes or a lame … [Read more...] about Five dangers in dealing with harassment claims
Managing staff
Race and religion are tough. Don’t make them tougher
By Steve M. Cohen bio Let's face it: Race and religion can be difficult topics. Next to gender and sexuality, they often comprise a big part of how we see ourselves and, not surprisingly, how others see us. That's obviously true today. Disagreements, even violent confrontations, are occurring around the world every day over these very topics. Not surprisingly, … [Read more...] about Race and religion are tough. Don’t make them tougher
New study finds connection between resilience and positive business outcomes
Today's employers are challenged to provide competitive benefits and employee engagement strategies that not only support the well-being of their employees, but also improve the bottom line. With resilience building and mindfulness training programs continuing to gain momentum in the workplace, meQuilibrium, recently conducted a study to measure resilience against … [Read more...] about New study finds connection between resilience and positive business outcomes
Silly problems, silly solutions boost morale at Georgia practice
For the small problems inherent in any office's staff, one manager has two easy solutions – humor and once-a-day positive notes. The humor comes in the form of silly contests to solve equally silly – though very human – problems. They're nonsensical, "but they reduce tension," says Nadine Cook, office manager for Family Price Care, a one-physician, 13 staff practice in Tifton, … [Read more...] about Silly problems, silly solutions boost morale at Georgia practice
Office bullies are bad, really
By Steve M. Cohen bio First it was labeled a schoolyard problem, then a big issue throughout schools and colleges. Then bullying was discovered in the workplace. First it was overbearing owners and managers. Then we discovered that it was also possible for employees to bully other employees. Don't misunderstand me; these are serious and ongoing problems. Bullying in … [Read more...] about Office bullies are bad, really
Model Policy: Conflict of interest policy for romantically involved employees
Why you need this policy: Romantically involved employees can cause personnel and legal problems for your medical office. How this policy helps you: Protect your medical office from harm that can result when employees date their coworkers. How to use this policy: Read this policy to understand how it relates to your office. Insert the name of your company. … [Read more...] about Model Policy: Conflict of interest policy for romantically involved employees
Office efficiency, profit often depend on surprising issues
By Dr. Steve M. Cohen Once upon a time, medical offices could count on such a solid, even lucrative income stream that some minor problems, even considerable costs, could be accepted. That's not been true for a long time. Increasingly complex and intrusive regulation, rising insurance costs, and an increasingly litigious environment are now accompanied by reduced and delayed … [Read more...] about Office efficiency, profit often depend on surprising issues
No matter the century, humans are still human
By Steve M. Cohen bio I'm often amused by people who talk about how we are now past problems that have plagued humanity for centuries. Now that we're well into the 21st century, they predict we can stop focusing so much on things like racism and sexual harassment. Certainly, some things are better today. As a group, we no longer accept certain behaviors, at least … [Read more...] about No matter the century, humans are still human
What to do when a doctor harasses staffers but no one complains
Q: One of our doctors continuously makes inappropriate remarks to the staff. He thinks the remarks are funny. The staff don't complain, but what's said is obviously inappropriate. Everyone likes the doctor, and the other doctors want to keep him on staff. They have counseled him, but he continues. What should we do? A: No office can afford to turn a blind eye to sexual … [Read more...] about What to do when a doctor harasses staffers but no one complains
Raffle gets staffers to monthly 8 a.m. meeting
A raffle for prizes gets each monthly meeting off to a fun start for the staff at Finger Lakes Medical Associates in Geneva, NY. Director of operations Eileen Szanyi says the draws are designed to increase attendance at the 8 a.m. meetings. “Those attending put their names into a basket for the month’s prizes,” she explains. “The gifts don’t have to be costly. One prize is … [Read more...] about Raffle gets staffers to monthly 8 a.m. meeting