While telecommuting is nothing new, the imperative for using it has never been greater. In addition to all the cost-saving, work-life balance, recruiting and hiring advantages, letting employees work from home during a pandemic has become a vital infection control measure. But it also poses significant compliance challenges, particularly in the realm of OSHA. After all, how are … [Read more...] about What, if anything, does OSHA require you to do to protect telecommuters?
Managing staff
5 tested ways to make your billing and coding more profitable
The health of your medical practice depends on good quality coding and billing work. One of the most important roles in the medical office that impacts compliance—and your bottom line—is the coding and billing function. "Coding and billing is the lifeblood of the practice; it's the income," says Michael J. Sacopulos, JD, founder and president of Medical Risk … [Read more...] about 5 tested ways to make your billing and coding more profitable
What to do when patients use the internet for self-diagnosis
There’s a wealth of medical information online, and increasingly patients are tapping it to come up with their own diagnoses. Needless to say, this results in numerous challenges for medical practitioners and office staff. But how exactly do you navigate the issues that arise from too much information – information that, incidentally, is often incorrect? First, the … [Read more...] about What to do when patients use the internet for self-diagnosis
Touchy situation: Our CEO has memory issues
By Lynne Curry Question: Our company’s owner and his wife have semi-retired and leave for their vacation home every October. They hired a general manager in September after a long search for the right candidate. Our owner was so excited to find this candidate, given his industry experience and track record, that he paid the man and his family’s expenses to move to our … [Read more...] about Touchy situation: Our CEO has memory issues
Five essentials to support employee mental health and well-being
Events of the last four years have changed the nature of work for many and the relationship that some workers have with their jobs. The Surgeon General’s Framework for Mental Health & Well-Being in the Workplace outlines the foundational role that workplaces should play in promoting the health and well-being of workers and communities. With more than 160 million … [Read more...] about Five essentials to support employee mental health and well-being
What does FMLA require of a medical office employer?
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is one of the employment laws that protect your staff. It is a federal law that requires certain employers to provide their employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave per year for certain qualified medical and family reasons. For a medical office employer, the FMLA requires that they provide eligible employees with … [Read more...] about What does FMLA require of a medical office employer?
What’s it going to take for me to rise to this challenge?
By Lynne Curry Question: I’m an easygoing, accommodating supervisor. Not only does it take a lot to upset me, but I hate conflict. As a result, some employees take advantage. This can create messy situations as the employees with strong work ethic have to pick up the slack. Soon after I hired “Sam,” he scheduled a private meeting with me and let me know Bekah was … [Read more...] about What’s it going to take for me to rise to this challenge?
“I forgot what day it was” no excuse for being late to work
It's important to address any issues that may be affecting the productivity and efficiency of your medical office. Chronic tardiness can be a significant problem that can impact the entire office, so it's important to address it in a timely and effective manner. Here are some steps you can take to address an employee who is consistently late for work: Set clear … [Read more...] about “I forgot what day it was” no excuse for being late to work
Flexibility is the key to remote work practices
“The name of the game is flexibility,” says Carl Kutsmode, Senior Vice President at Talentrise, an executive search and talent management consulting firm, talking about the nature of remote work since the coronavirus pandemic. Kutsmode discusses how the pandemic has changed the workforce, likely for good. Additionally, his perspective provides tips to help employers adapt to … [Read more...] about Flexibility is the key to remote work practices
5 ways to make standup meetings work for your medical office
A daily standup meeting can be a highly effective way to keep your staff motivated and moving on important tasks. This 10-minute meeting, used in a variety of workplaces, provides an opportunity for a quick check-in on the day’s priorities. As the name implies, participants stand up—a posture that discourages long discussion. Here are ways to make the meeting work for … [Read more...] about 5 ways to make standup meetings work for your medical office