Why you need this model tool: Job descriptions are critical management documents. A medical office manager should make sure there is a formal, written job description for every position. How this model tool helps you: This template provides the major categories that you should include in your job descriptions along with an explanation of what to include in each … [Read more...] about Model Tool: Job description template
Managing the office
Strategic planning is a continuous process
By Nick Hernandez bio Some of my counterparts have a firm belief that strategic planning is a rigid process which should occur once every three to five years. The process they undertake is often done during an off-site planning session with the outcome being printed up in a large three-ring binder. In less than six months, those binders are sitting on a shelf somewhere … [Read more...] about Strategic planning is a continuous process
TOOL: Model Employee Illness/Injury Reporting Policy
The OSHA Recordkeeping Standard requires you to record and potentially report work-related illnesses and injuries. Reporting of illnesses and injuries is also crucial to investigating, identifying and correcting problems that can lead to further incidents and OSHA violations. So, it’s crucial to establish a policy and procedure for workers to report workplace injuries and … [Read more...] about TOOL: Model Employee Illness/Injury Reporting Policy
Model Tool: Catastrophic leave program donation form
Why you need this form: Leave-sharing programs must meet certain criteria in order to be valid under the Internal Revenue Service's general tax rules and under various state laws. How this form helps you: A leave-sharing program must be in writing and created as a "leave bank" into which employees may deposit donated leave. How to use this form: Check with your state law … [Read more...] about Model Tool: Catastrophic leave program donation form
COMPLIANCE: A 10-step compliance strategy for OSHA Recordkeeping Rules
January is the season when employers must compile their OSHA logs for the previous year. Here’s an overview of the OSHA Recordkeeping Standard and a 10-step strategy to ensure compliance. Step 1: Figure out if your office is covered Physician offices are among the industries listed by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) as being partially exempt from the … [Read more...] about COMPLIANCE: A 10-step compliance strategy for OSHA Recordkeeping Rules
5 tested ways to make your billing and coding more profitable
The health of your medical practice depends on good quality coding and billing work. One of the most important roles in the medical office that impacts compliance—and your bottom line—is the coding and billing function. "Coding and billing is the lifeblood of the practice; it's the income," says Michael J. Sacopulos, JD, founder and president of Medical Risk … [Read more...] about 5 tested ways to make your billing and coding more profitable
What to do when patients use the internet for self-diagnosis
There’s a wealth of medical information online, and increasingly patients are tapping it to come up with their own diagnoses. Needless to say, this results in numerous challenges for medical practitioners and office staff. But how exactly do you navigate the issues that arise from too much information – information that, incidentally, is often incorrect? First, the … [Read more...] about What to do when patients use the internet for self-diagnosis
How to make a collection call to a patient
A collection call to a patient should never be offensive. But it does need to be firm. Remember, the goal is to collect an unpaid balance. With this in mind, here's what to say and how to respond to what a patient says. Begin by putting the patient on the spot, without being confrontational. One possible approach is, "We haven't received payment for this bill we sent you 30 … [Read more...] about How to make a collection call to a patient
A good courier service helps keep the medical office running smoothly
As a medical office manager, you know how important it is to ensure that your office runs efficiently and effectively. One way to help achieve this is by using a courier service to transport important documents and materials to and from your office. In this article, we'll explore what a medical office might use a courier service for, and how to choose a good courier service for … [Read more...] about A good courier service helps keep the medical office running smoothly
10 tips for a more efficient medical office
What healthcare provider doesn’t want to see his or her business run more efficiently? After all, a well-run practice usually means increased revenue and happier, healthier patients. In the past, providers relied on smart hiring and organized employees to ensure their practices operated smoothly. But today, it takes a thoughtful blend of solution-based technology and … [Read more...] about 10 tips for a more efficient medical office