When there's a people issue, especially when the front desk butts heads with the nursing staff, the manager of a Virginia family medicine group office brings it to light via role playing at a staff meeting. Afterwards, staff not only come up with a solution, but also draft and sign a commitment to follow it. The manager organizes the role playing three or four times a year, … [Read more...] about Role-playing turns front and back office staff into one team
Reader tips
Patient collections ‘bonus incentive’ program increases patient payments and staff pay
An Indiana practice recently established a bonus incentive program for its support staff that has been a huge help to patient collections. "I had managed an office prior to joining this practice where I was able to track patient collections percentages each day," Leanne Craig, office manager at Hendricks Therapy, tells Medical Office Manager. "I had a report within our … [Read more...] about Patient collections ‘bonus incentive’ program increases patient payments and staff pay
A little money here, a little there; where to find the sleeping savings
When the money's tight, the manager has to squeeze the nickels—particularly in a small office where falling revenues are keenly felt. And a New Jersey manager has done just that. She has found appreciable savings on expenses that come in month after month but tend to get overlooked in more profitable times. With two physicians, one nurse practitioner, and only five staff, the … [Read more...] about A little money here, a little there; where to find the sleeping savings
Ohio staff spend one day a month in each of the other positions
The profit margin is so small that no medical office can afford to have people doing bits of work, says the manager of a digestive health medical practice in Ohio. For efficiency, everybody has to have a concept of what everybody else is doing. To achieve just that, she requires her staff to spend one day a month in each of the other jobs. Sometimes one person sits with … [Read more...] about Ohio staff spend one day a month in each of the other positions
With quality a monthly topic, improvements are never ending
A surgery practice in Grand Rapids, MI, stays in constant improvement mode with ongoing quality discussions. Quality is part of the agenda of the monthly business meetings, which include both staff and physicians, says practice manager Jennifer Jamula of Pediatric Surgeons of West Michigan. “Anything somebody thinks needs improvement” is open to discussion – patient care, … [Read more...] about With quality a monthly topic, improvements are never ending
Part-time clerical jobs have hours to suit a working parent’s schedule
In a New Jersey neurological office, the manager relies on two part-timers to keep the office current on the busy work. And the two part-timers rely on the office for job flexibility, because they are mothers who want to work but also want time to be home with their children. When the manager came to the practice decades ago, she herself had young children at home. She knows … [Read more...] about Part-time clerical jobs have hours to suit a working parent’s schedule
Pick up on these revealing “non-verbal cues” to avoid hiring problem staffers
Good interviewing requires resume evaluation and a bit of psychology, says office manager Scott Ford of Dixie Primary Care in St. George, UT. It's not just what candidates say but how they say it. And Ford should know. He is a licensed clinical social worker, and as manager, he applies his skills in therapy and counseling to interviewing. Look for other clues Beyond the … [Read more...] about Pick up on these revealing “non-verbal cues” to avoid hiring problem staffers
Front desk moves its phones into a communications center
A Colorado manager has taken the telephones off the front desk and set up a communications center. The noise, other commotion, and staff burnout at the front desk have ended. As a result, the four-doctor, 16-staff office is able to see more patients in a day. Before the change, the front desk was nothing short of frustrating. It was noisy with phones ringing. Worse, staff had … [Read more...] about Front desk moves its phones into a communications center
How to clean up a messy back office fast
To maintain a professional operation, an office has to maintain a professional appearance throughout. People think if they work in a back area, they can be messy and have food and clutter on their desks, says the practice administrator for a four-physician, seven-staff surgical office in New York City. Wrong. The billing office needs to look as nice as the front desk even … [Read more...] about How to clean up a messy back office fast
Set aside two hours for staff and keep interruptions in check
Some of the most annoying problems are often solved with the simplest of solutions. Such was the case at an internal medicine practice in Macon, GA. The practice has eight physicians and nearly 75 staff, but only one administrator dealing with constant interruptions that made getting her work done difficult. Most of the interruptions were from staff with small, but necessary, … [Read more...] about Set aside two hours for staff and keep interruptions in check